Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

tuba auditiva (par)

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Top level organa sensoria Short Extended
Level 2 organum vestibulocochleare (par) Short Extended
Level 3 auris media (par) Short Extended
Current level tuba auditiva (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
9705 7234 tax
tuba auditiva (par); tuba auditoria (par)
auditory tube (pair) ; pharyngotympanic tube (pair)
54980 7235 tax
ostium tympanicum (par) ; ostium tympanicum tubae auditoriae (par)
tympanic opening of auditory tube (pair)
60057 7236 tax
pars ossea (par) ; protympanum (par)
osseous part of auditory tube (pair) ; protympanum (pair)
60066 7237 tax
isthmus (par) ; isthmus tubae auditoriae (par)
isthmus of auditory tube (pair)
cellulae pneumaticae (par)
tubal air cells (pair)
285172 8235 tax
tunica mucosa partis osseae (par)
mucosa of osseous part of auditory tube (pair)
8238 tax
epithelium simplex columnare (par)
columnar simple epithelium of auditory tube (pair)
8241 tax
epitheliocyti ciliati (par)
ciliated epitheliocytes (pair)
60058 7239 tax
pars cartilaginea (par)
cartilaginous part of auditory tube (pair)
60096 7240 tax
cartilago (par) ; cartilago tubae auditoriae (par)
cartilage of auditory tube (pair)
77734 7241 tax
lamina medialis (par)
medial layer (pair)
77736 7242 tax
lamina lateralis (par)
lateral layer (pair)
60106 7243 tax
lamina membranacea cartilaginis (par)
membranous layer of cartilage of auditory tube (pair)
corpus adiposum (par) ; corpus adiposum tubae auditoriae (par)
fatty body of auditory tube (pair)
285175 7244 tax
tunica mucosa partis cartilagineae (par)
mucosa of cartilaginous part of auditory tube (pair)
7632 tax
epithelium pseudostratificatum (par)
pseudostratified epithelium of auditory tube (pair)
8250 tax
epitheliocyti ciliati (par)
ciliated epitheliocytes (pair)
7245 tax
glandulae tubariae (par)
tubal glands (pair)
54979 2470 tax
ostium pharyngeum ; ostium pharyngeum tubae auditoriae
pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
19 lines
73.7 %
68.4 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
New term; the Corpus adiposum tubae auditivae (of Ostmann) is a triangular fat pad mediocaudal to the Tuba auditiva and laterocranial to the Musculus tensor veli palatini. It is thought to be important in normal closure of the tube, preventing transmission of nasopharyngeal pressure in the middle ear cavity.
The corpus adiposum tubae auditivae (of Ostmann) is a triangular fat pad mediocaudal to the tuba auditiva and laterocranial to the musculus tensor veli palatini. It is thought to be important in normal closure of the tube, preventing transmission of nasopharyngeal pressure in the middle ear cavity.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 7234
Number of children 54 (validated)
Number of units 19 (validated)
Signature 5838 (validated since 1.4.2018)
Date: 24.03.2025